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after 1 year and 23 days..

Seperti dengan judulnya, ini adalah update dari kehidupan setelah satu tahun dan dua-puluh-tiga hari dari postingan terakhir. I'm a (late) senior now. working on my thesis. oh boy. what a challenge. for the record I enjoy it, the problem is the laziness I have. This post will be so boring, if I write something about procrastinate yet here I am. hahaha. I'm just trying to do the best. and what sucks is it may be not enough. And I'm tired of me getting sad over that kind of thing, you know. I need to arrive at finish line. I don't care about being number one. maybe I'll regret it. but I know, I will forget it the next day.
In the past months, I almost always listen to my guts, when you feel uncomfortable or even butterflies. I turned out fine. I'm Okay. and now, my guts telling me that what important now is to get to the finish line. the big question, that actually doesn't matter now, is what next?. I haven't figure anything yet. I say to people around me that I want to work here or there, but am i sure that I will get the job? absolutely not. I try to look convincingly confident. well that's what you do. to make yourself look decent. I don't think it's wrong tho, because it may have a positive outcome. I believe that.

 tiba-tiba pengen nulis pake bahasa inggris, padahal grammar suka salah-salah haha. maaf ya. anggap aja bener. Sekarang gua lagi ada di salah satu cafe di daerah jakarta selatan, buat nongkrong aja sih. ga ada niatan buat revisian. cuman gua bawa laptop aja buat nemenin gabut. one of the barista is very cute. I'll come here more often. I don't know. haha padahal gua kesini udah cukup sering. namun entah kenapa baru sekarang nyadar kalo dia lumayan menarik perhatian gua. they (the cafe) want to minimize the use of plastic straws, so they told the customers to make that choice. i think that is a great way to say we need to be more cautious about our choices. and i choose to be more open on this page. well without being too obvious or offend anybody, that's what i want to avoid. so yeah. i'm aware of my choices.

selama satu tahun ini, ga banyak yang memorable to be honest, atau milestone apa yang udah gua capai. well i'm proud at one thing tho. I'm a volunteer for this huge events for the second time, and this time i'm not just a regular volunteer. I'm afraid I might fuck it up. but also I'm so excited to do my job here. you know, try my best. I hope everyone is cooperative. so everyone is happy. wish me luck to anyone who read this blog. oh boy, this cafe filled with highschoolers.

I'm going off now, I feel relief. somehow. good day everyone.
